Uncharted/Tomb Raider Crossover - One Day, Maybe?

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Autorius: Florence Bailey
Kūrybos Data: 24 Kovas 2021
Atnaujinimo Data: 28 Sausio Mėn 2025
Uncharted/Tomb Raider Crossover - One Day, Maybe? - Žaidynės
Uncharted/Tomb Raider Crossover - One Day, Maybe? - Žaidynės

Every gamer has their secret wishes. Maybe you want a certain game to get a sequel, or a character to be introduced in the next game, or maybe you want a reboot of a classic. I am not alone in this. What I really want, is an Uncharted and Tomb Raider crossover. While I’d love a game, I’d be just as happy with a comic or even a book.

Uncharted is one of my favorite game series of all time, and when the Tomb Raider reboot was released earlier this year and was being described by some as having a bit of Uncharted to it, I had to get my hands on it. I did, and I loved it. And that’s when I immediately wanted a crossover.

I could never really see the pre-reboot Lara Croft and Nathan Drake meshing well, but with this new Lara I can definitely see it. Sure, Tomb Raider has a slight more paranormal or supernatural aspect to it, but it’s not like Drake couldn’t be confronted with something like that. I also think the age-difference would be an interesting dynamic – perhaps Drake sees a bit of himself in Lara? I have so many ideas.

Žinoma, aš žinau jo norą. Suprantu sunkumų realybę, ypač todėl, kad juos skelbia atskiri kūrėjai ir Kapų plėšikas yra kryžminis konsolės žaidimas, kur Nepriskirtas yra „PlayStation“ išskirtinė. Vis dėlto, komiksai būtų lengviau padaryti, tiesa? Ir aš žinau, kad aš ne vienas iš savo noro.

Bet, kaip sakiau, aš suprantu tikrovę ir noriu galvoti, kad esu gana realus žmogus. Aš niekada negaliu gauti savo „crossover“, bet galiu bent jau laukti a Kapų plėšikas tęsinys - kuris buvo visiškai patvirtintas su komiksų serijos skelbimu - ir aš vis dar tikiuosi, kad Naughty Dog suteikia mums Neregistruotas 4 atleidus „PlayStation 4“.

Ką tu manai? Ar norėtumėte, kad tarp Nathan Drake ir Lara Croft būtų kryžminis?